Home >Donate
How to donate

At the UCLEF, our mission is to promote justice and fairness through mutual understanding. The important work of UCLEF is funded through generous donations from individuals and organizations who support legal exchange and cooperation between the US and China. Your contribution to UCLEF will allow us to continue our increasingly vital mission and to expand the important work of our Foundation. You can now be a part of US-China Legal Exchange Foundation's important work and make donation to The US-China Legal Exchange Foundation.

I wish to donate Via:

Credit Card        U.S. Check        Bank Remittance        Other

Donor Benefits      All donors receive the following benefits:

* Thank you and acknowledgement letter
* Acknowledgement in UCLEF e-bulletin and newsletter
* Subscription to monthly e-bulletin and quarterly newsletter
* UCLEF Annual Report

Donors who have given over $1,000 to a single Program receive a special end-of-project report.
Donors making a total annual contribution of over $ 5,000 will receive a special gift at the end of the year.

All donations * are released on the first week of the month following the donation. For example, all donations made in March will be released on the first week of April.

Please note bank deposit donations cannot be processed unless they are accompanied by an UCLEF donation form, which can be downloaded from the website or requested from our office. For online donations, just fill-out the necessary forms available in the website.

** Friend ($1-$499)  
     Supporter ($500-$999)
     Patron ($1,000-$4,999)
     Contributor ($5,000-$9,999)
     Signature ($10,000+)

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